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JEHOVAH-ROHI (The Lord is My Shepherd)


The name Jehovah-Rohi refers to our faithful, personal Lord (Jehovah) who watches over and provides (Rohi) for us, his sheep. As you read through the blog, try to envision yourself among the flock.

The most committed shepherds develop a deeply personal relationship with their sheep, earning their complete trust as they fully dedicate their time and energy to meet all the needs of the flock: physical, mental, and emotional. Shepherds continually watch over the sheep as a loving, protective guardian.

This special connection shepherds develop with their flock is necessary, because, let’s face it—sheep are dumb! They are so dumb that they’re totally unable to care for themselves. They’re completely dependent on the shepherd to do everything for them, and are more high-maintenance than any other livestock. They’re sensitive to weather, parasites, hoof problems, calving problems, and are especially prone to predators, because they’re utterly defenseless (no quills, no stinky spray, no fangs, no claws).

Sheep are easily discontented, easily stressed, anxiety-driven, afraid of everything, and can’t think rationally if they get rattled. They can’t relax or sleep until they are free of hunger, free of fear, free of stress and free of irritations. (Can you see yourself? Same!) Oh, and one more thing: they fall over and can’t get back on their feet without help, which puts them in immediate, grave danger.

This is why the shepherd’s care for them must go far beyond physical provisions to discern and meet their mental and emotional needs as well. The sheep must not only be protected and safe, but feel protected and safe to thrive. In order to properly provide for their total well-being, the shepherd must know his sheep intimately; and they must trust him completely.  

A good shepherd not only meets the immediate needs of his sheep, but also plans ahead to provide for their future needs. While the flock grazes obliviously, the shepherd will scour the area looking for the next pasture to where he will lead the sheep once the current pasture no longer satisfies them (even cultivating ground and planting new foliage to customize their provisions). The shepherd is constantly working on the sheep’s behalf—unbeknownst to them. Good shepherds also count their flock daily, to see if any are missing, because sheep are prone to wander off and get lost or fall over and become easy prey for the prowling enemy. (Sound familiar?) If one of his sheep goes missing, He will drop everything and search fervently and constantly until he rescues and restores his lost lamb.

As you can see, high quality shepherding requires the shepherd’s mind to be constantly focused on the sheep. In the same way, our Good Shepherd is constantly mindful of us, working on our behalf in a myriad of ways. The Bible describes Jehovah-Rohi as our: Provider, Caregiver, Protective Guardian, Companion, Comforter, Pursuer, Restorer, Leader, and Guide. Not only does He meet our every need now, but He also leads us on the right paths into the future He has prepared for us (without our awareness), where our customized provisions will be waiting.

“How precious also are your thoughts to [concerning] me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with you” (Psalms 139:17-18). “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not be in want” (Psalm 23:1). “For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying” (Matthew 18:12)? “Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow [pursue] me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:6).

Jehovah-Rohi is not only our sovereign, all-powerful God. He is not reigning from the farthest reaches of heaven, out of touch with His people. He is our loving, attentive, engaged Good Shepherd who knows us intimately, is with us continually, and meets our every need before we’re even aware of them. Jehovah-Rohi also provides all that I need to obey and serve Him. In other words, God will provide all that we need to do all that He commands.

Because His provisions are constant and complete, we “shall not be in want.” If we are willing to submissively obey and fully trust Him for everything, we have absolutely no need to fear. He’s got us. If we wander into danger, His goodness and mercy will pursue us until we let Him rescue and restore us.

In His Grip,


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